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Write to the County Commissions

We encourage everyone to write their own email or letter, in their own words, but we've included some bullet points below to be of assistance. Some were from Goal 109 opposition, but still applicable to Goal 111.


  • Goal 111 must require that the high-density housing be workforce housing, which is the stated goal of receiving the high-density bonuses and the type of housing we all want to support.  


  • Goal 111 -- as currently written -- specifically pertains to the Wreckers Cay Apartments on Stock Island but can easily be amended to any other location in Monroe County unless the Livable CommuniKeys Plans are followed.


  • Goal 111 actually increases density beyond the defeated Goal 109 (now 40 units per buildable acre instead of 37).


  • Goal 111 must contain language which makes clear that it is not to be applied to allow high-density housing in areas which have expressed their intention to retain their low-density community character in their Livable CommuniKeys Plan, a formal and legally binding document.

    • Stock Island wantshigh-density rental housing: Its Livable CommuniKeys Plan states: “Provide a density bonus unique to Stock Island to encourage the development of low to very low income rental housing.”

    • The Lower Keys, in contrast, has clearly stated in its Livable CommuniKeys Plan: “Monroe County shall manage future growth to preserve the rural or low density community character, protect the natural environment of the Lower Keys….”

    • Big Coppitt and Rockland have expressed no opinion one way or the other about high-density residential units in any Livable CommuniKeys plan.


  • Goal 111 needs to be confined to Stock Island, Rockland Key, and Big Coppitt because they are within five miles of the Key West employment center.   


  • Follow the BOCC-adopted and community-approved "Lower Keys Livable CommuniKeys Plan."

  • High density workforce housing belongs in major employment centers, not in rural communities.

  • We don't want more TRAFFIC and ACCIDENTS on US1, as hundreds of workers commute to the major employment centers of Key West and Marathon.

  • Preserve our low density, rural COMMUNITY CHARACTER and prevent irreversible ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE as we lose open spaces to development – exactly the opposite of the community-developed and BOCC-adopted "Livable CommuniKeys Plan."

  • Do not promote high density development in our rural Lower Keys.



FOLKs is a group of concerned residents who want to preserve the low-density community character and improve the nearshore water quality of the Keys. We oppose adding more ROGOs (building allocations) because they undermine 30+ years of science-based and court-approved growth limitations for the Keys. Hurricane evacuation becomes more dangerous and everyday traffic unbearable. Our fragile environment cannot stand more development: the marine ecosystem is continuing to deteriorate even without additional development. We say NO to more ROGOs! And NO to shallow sewage wells!

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